Up to this point, I have been unable to attend the web conferences due to the 9:00pm time. Since it was Spring Break, I decided to be the "cool" mom and let the kids stay up late so that I could participate in the web conference! :)
Dr. Benavides talked about the assignment specifics and opened the floor for questions. A question was asked about reflecting on the field supervisor web conferences. Dr. Benavides said that the web conferences were another way to support us as we go through this program. Evidently, there is a checklist on there that the field supervisor will check off saying that we participated three times. The supervisor has the opportunity to make comments as they see fit. Another question was asked about where to find the IRB for the district. One participant said that their district uses the one from TASB, but they couldn't access the link to get to it. Dr. Benavides said that he would look into it. There were several questions about participants' specific action research projects that Dr. Benavides fielded.
I was able to ask about changing the subjects of my research project. I was unable to completely revise the curriculum to include engaging lessons because I was not in charge of the curriculum group. The other members of the curriculum group were not receptive of the idea of changing what had been done in the past. I started the year out with some units that had engaging components. After that, the units went back to the same notes, assignments, quizzes, tests. Because this went against the research project I had initially started, I talked with my site supervisor to revise my plan. I asked to be in charge of the TAKS Pullout for the 10th grade math students that are struggling. I am designing 9 sessions that must be different from what they have gotten in the normal classroom setting to keep them engaged and make it meaningful for them to apply to the upcoming TAKS test. I feel that this goes perfectly with what I set out to do in the first place...increase a deeper level of understanding using more engaging curriculum. I look forward to revising my research project and sharing my results.
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