Thursday, August 4, 2011

How will I remember my action research after this class?

I was looking over my Action Plan today and revising.  I also was thinking back to the conversation on the web conference Wednesday night.  Dr. Abshire mentioned that we will not be reminded to work on our project.  She said that in our 7th Course we will be required to write a paper on the progress.  She also mentioned that some of the current students of that class were in a bind because they had not been working on theirs.  I know that life will happen when this course is finished, and I need something to keep me thinking and working this plan.  Here's my idea...I will put a reminder in my phone.  I put reminders about the web conferences, my daughter's soccer games, etc.  Why not put a monthly reminder in there to tell me to reflect on (or work on) my project???  I will actually go a step further and put a reminder in for each of the steps and the timeline that I set for myself.  What are your thoughts?


  1. What a wonderful idea! I think we all should do that. I know if my phone does not have a reminder I don't remember to do that task. We can also remind each other via email. Good Luck!

  2. Kristi,
    That is a FANTASTIC idea. I LOVE IT! This idea has given me the breath of fresh air of trying to remember WHEN to do these things. I would like to get this completed before school starts so I will start adding my reminders. Keep up the great work!

  3. Kristi--
    Thanks for this great suggestion! As I am putting together my fall calendar over the next few days, I will include the Action Research Plan dates.

  4. That is a good idea! I am doing something similar for my Internship Plan. I am going to take my desk calendar that is on my desk in my office and in the notes side or in the margins I am going to write the taks that I have planned to achieve in my internship plan. With the internship plan and action research it will be easy to forget what I had intended to do. This will keep me on track. So, don't forget about your internship plan too.

  5. Wow, Krisi, great idea! I hadn't even come close to thinking about using my phone. I probably don't use a tenth of what my phone can's so my kids can find me. I keep a huge calendar on my desk at school and home and I put my life on them but now I will put it on my phone so when my calendars get covered up with work, cause they do, I can still keep up with things! Thanks!

  6. Kristi, excellent idea! I use my phone for the exact same things you do. But, I was you think that once a month is going to be enough for all the work we have to do? Maybe once a week for a few hours I was thinking? Do you think maybe I am over-analyzing the time frame?

  7. Everyone-I'm glad that this was a helpful suggestion! Thank you for all of the thoughts about it! I think I will change to doing it once a week, since we are supposed to comment on our blog that often. I like the idea of doing the same thing with the internship plan. If we don't keep up with those items as we go, it might be ridiculous trying to complete those last minute. Good luck to everyone! :) Kristi
